Apartments for rent in Barcelona – Monthly Report Prices May 2022
Rents in the city of Barcelona in May suffered the most significant increase in all of Spain, reaching an average price of €17.83/m².
According to the monthly rental price report on, the standard flat in Catalonia registered an average price of €11.79/m2 in May 2022, which represented a monthly increase of 1.99%. Compared to May 2021, the rebound was 9.42%, the second highest nationwide.
Barcelona was the most expensive capital in Spain
Compared to April, all the Catalan capitals raised their prices. Tarragona (2.80%) was the Catalan province that grew the most. From one year to the next, they all grew too. Barcelona (10.97%) was the seventh Spanish capital that increased the most. At €12.95 per square meter in May 2022, Barcelona was the second most expensive Spanish province for tenants, while Tarragona (€6.60/m²) was the cheapest province in Catalonia.
As for the Catalan capitals, they all rose in the last month. Barcelona (2.63%) was the ninth Spanish capital that increased the rental price the most compared to April. Year-on-year, all the capitals of Catalonia rose in price, marking Barcelona (15.89%) the third largest national rise. In the prices section, Barcelona (€17.83/m²) was the most expensive provincial capital in Spain. Tarragona (€7.98/month) was the most affordable Catalan capital.
Catalonia was the third region with the most expensive price for tenants, behind Madrid (€13.14/m²) and the Balearic Islands (€12.40/m²). For its part, the typical rental flat in Spain ended last May with an average price of €10.23/m2. This figure marked an increase of 0.59% compared to April. Year-on-year, the rebound was 5.46%.
Rental prices continue to rise.
-"The progressive increase in the price of housing for sale, the reduced supply of new-build residential products and the depletion of accumulated savings during the most restrictive stage of the pandemic generate a contagion effect on monthly rental payments".
-“Both those whose financial situation does not allow them to be owners for now and those who cannot find what they are looking for in the current market choose to be tenants, which increases rents”.
-“The extension until September of the limitation of increases to 2% to prevent current rental contracts from being updated according to the CPI is containing an increase that could be even higher”.
-“Making the rent run parallel to inflation, taking into account the scarce and even null revaluation of salaries, would be a very hard blow for families. However, transferring responsibility to landlords is not the most effective solution either.”
-"The key is to solve the real structural problem that drags the lease in Spain: the lack of supply".
Ferran Font, Director of Studies at